Locked and Loaded: How Call of Duty: Warzone 2’s Sniping Bug is Unfairly Punishing Players

Call of Duty Warzone 2 players are being affected by an unusual bug that prevents sniping. Unfortunately, it isn’t clear how widespread this problem may be.

Unusual bugs make it impossible for Call of Duty gamers to snipe. Activision’s popular battle-royale first-person shooter has a lot of sniper build options. Due to the nerfs to weapons including the Crossbow, headshots are the only real way to kill. Unfortunately, there aren’t many players can do when the game stops functioning during long-range fighting.

Infinity Ward’s Raven Software and Activision subsidiaries assisted with Call of Duty Warzone2 to launch to mostly positive reviews in 2022. While Warzone 2 technically is a component of Modern Warfare 2 but it’s free to play alongside its parent game. Warzone2 includes new maps, game mode options, and other content. It has many things that the first Call of Duty, Warzone, didn’t. Some bugs are unfortunately included in this update.

Reddit user Kenja_Time captioned the post with the title “I know developers hate snipers,” You can see a brief video of them playing Warzone 2. From high above Warzone II‘s Al Mazrah map, they spot another opponent peering through a cement wall. After setting his crosshairs to the target’s forehead, he fires. A moment later, the screen goes black and an unhelpful error message appears. The video then switches to a duel between two players, but Warzone2 disconnects once more.

Kenja_Time’s games have been disconnected at least twice, which is enough evidence to show that this isn’t a random event. They are not the only Warzone II player experiencing the problem. SoCaLove was also affected by the disconnection during his live stream, on March 5, and the streamer suggested that it could be due to a sniper glitch. Another user of the Call of Duty Warzone Subreddit shared a similar experience during a Warzone IIDMZ Match.

Kenja_Time was joking when Kenja_Time suggested Raven Software was deliberately disconnection players who use sniper guns. But it is still a strange glitch. It’s not clear why some Warzone2 players are experiencing this problem. It’s not clear how many players are experiencing this problem. The reports seem to be limited only to the Al Mazrah Map, Warzone 2’s DMZ location, and the main battle Royale mode. Developers are expected to find the source of this bug soon.

Call of Duty Warzone2 is now available on PC and Xbox One.

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